Sunday, November 30, 2008

so i'm a little late...but HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
i'm thankful for oh so much!!! let me list it out...(i just made up that phrase, it doesn't make any sense at all but i don't care!!!!)

  • Family
  • Friends
  • A house
  • FOOD! :D
  • Love
  • Life
  • Reese's (my fav)
  • people i can lean on
  • books (my connection to less complicated worlds)
  • Computer
  • Heat
  • cars
  • pencils!!!!
  • technology
  • Church
  • YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS these are not written in order of improtance...and that's not all i'm thankful for, just a few things, i didn't want to bore you!!! :)

Hope you had a happy thanksgiving!!!!! and stuffed your bellies full! ;D

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Amazing Love

Heya!!! i'm feeling soooo good!!!! The past...couple weeks, i think, i've been dealing with a lot. I love it when my friends know they can trust me. And there are multiple people who DO know that, and when they're dealing with stuff and they need someone to listen. I'm good at that...Listening...if there is nothing else to do for someone, at least give them the time of day and listen. My problem...or gain, whichever way you look at it, is that i tend to take on their problems as my own, i feel their pain, i see it in their eyes and know there is nothing i can do for them and i take it as an extra burden of my own. I've heard sooo many times that i just need to give it all up to God and let him take care of if that's what you're thinking now, You're right and i realize that. I don't know why i think that i'm so independent, because if i were independent i'd be living on the street...or even dead. Because the truth is I am SO dependent on God! Every time I need help and even when i don't, i KNOW i can turn to God, in his word or in prayer, and he will always help me. And yet, when i have issues or i'm feeling my friends' pain, i try to deal with it on my own. Obviously i'm a slow learner, because this has happened soooo many times, and every time i come to the same conclusion: I can not deal with ANYTHING without God to lean on!!!!! I finally went to God in tears, i opened up my heart and said "i can't do this on my own, i need you're help! Take these burdens from me" so he did, and i woke up feeling 20lbs. ligther than i did the day before. It's at times like these that i wonder how anyone could deny that God is real! I really don't want to think about who i'd be without God or his amazing love. It makes me want soooo much more for my friends to have the satisfaction of knowing that God loves them. I pray that he will give me the oppurtunity to lead them to him.

I just want to say I'm Sorry to anyone who might have noticed me acting differently these past few weeks. Once again, i've been dealing with a lot, but i know that's no excuse...please forgive me!!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

What if????

What would life be like if everyone bit there tongue when they were upset? What if, when someone said something cruel, we just held in our retorts and said something uplifting instead? What if we all saw that one person that was always alone, and instead of ignoring them we went to them and made a new friend? What if we loved everyone unconditionally, even our enemies? What if we went around with the intention of lifting ppl up higher than ourselves? What if our first thoughts in the morning was "How can i make Jesus proud" rather than "how can i make myself more comfortable"? What if we put others in front of ourselves? What if we longed for every second to honor God with our thoughts and actions? What if every person had God's compassion for the hurting? What if ppl cared about the hungry? What if we actually acted on the pull in our hearts towards the hurting? What if, on Christmas day, instead of sitting home and opening our gifts, we grasped the meaning of giving and actually gave to ppl who need it? What if we gave our excess food to the poor rather than getting fat on it? What if we forgave those who have hurt us as easily as we hold grudges? What if everyone cared about everyone else?

What then? Well, we would live in a perfect world, with no mistakes But also no chances to learn and grow. But we strive to help others and live for God, or do we live for ourselves and strive to make ourselves more comfy and secure in our stuff? Every second of every day we need to live to it's fullest, with no regrets. There ARE people watching...they see how we love, how we respond to our enemies, how we respect or disrespect others. And what they see can either turn them to or away from God. When we're going about our daily lives we need to stop and think "who can i help right now?" and maybe we can make someones day a little better! :)